
Quick Tap 1

Quick Tap 1 is designed to assess processing speed and reaction time. Participants are first given a brief animated tutorial where they are instructed to tap a target image as quickly as possible. Once the test begins, the target image is presented at randomized intervals between 1 to 5 seconds. A response is considered correct if the target is tapped within 2 seconds. Responses are considered incorrect if the target is tapped too early or not tapped at all. Immediate feedback can be provided after each trial to enhance engagement and understanding.


  • Number of trials
  • Trial-by-trial feedback given to the participant
  • Summary feedback given to the participant (e.g., graphical representation of number correct)
  • Participants have the option to mute all sound alerts during the test

Data collected:

  • Correct count: Total number of correct responses
  • Incorrect count: Total number of incorrect responses
  • Reaction time per trial
  • Fastest reaction time (for correct trials)
  • Median false hits reaction time (for incorrect trials)
  • Median reaction time (for correct trials)


Quick Tap 1This test has been validated in a general adult sample and used with several other populations such as adults with serious mental illness and cancer.

Published Studies

Initial Psychometric Properties of 7 NeuroUX Remote Ecological Momentary Cognitive Tests Among People With Bipolar Disorder: Validation Study

Authors: Raeanne C Moore, Emma M Parrish, Ryan Van Patten, Emily Paolillo, Tess F Filip, Jessica Bomyea, Derek Lomas, Elizabeth W Twamley, Lisa T Eyler, Colin A Depp

Year Published: 2022
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Assessing Cancer-related Cognitive Function in the Context of Everyday life using Ecological Mobile Cognitive Testing: A protocol for a Prospective Quantitative Study

Authors: Ashley M Henneghan, Kathleen M Van Dyk, Robert A Ackerman, Emily W Paolillo, Raeanne C Moore

Year Published: 2022
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